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The container platform audit records must record user access start and end times.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-233265 SRG-APP-000505-CTR-001285 SV-233265r961830_rule Medium
The container platform must generate audit records showing start and end times for users and services acting on behalf of a user accessing the registry and keystore. These components must use the same standard so that the events can be tied together to understand what took place within the overall container platform. This must establish, correlate, and help assist with investigating the events relating to an incident, or identify those responsible.
Container Platform Security Requirements Guide 2024-05-28


Check Text ( C-36201r601839_chk )
Review the container platform configuration for audit user access start and end times.

Ensure audit policy for user access start and end times are enabled.

Verify events are written to the log.

Validate system documentation is current.

If user access start and end times do not generate log records, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-36169r601283_fix)
Configure the container platform to generate audit log for user access start and end times for any all accounts and services. Revise all applicable system documentation.